Behavior In Motion


Behavior In Motion's Services

Welcome to Behavior In Motion

Behavior In Motion provides a data based, behavioral approach aimed at increasing physical coordination, strength, endurance, compliance, and social skills via individual and group sessions within a gymnastics environment.  Each client is given a proprietary assessment measuring various physical and social skills, then based on that assessment, a unique physical program plan is created to accurately track, monitor, and achieve their goals.

Our staff all possess experience working with children with special needs, and are trained in the principals of ABA.  They in turn are trained and supervised by Jay Shields, MA-Education, Specialization in Applied Behavior Analysis.

Individual Sessions

We offer 55 minute one on one individual sessions with an experienced Behavior In Motion staff member trained in Applied Behavior principles, techniques, and data collection procedures. A unique workout plan is created and monitored for each of our clients.  Our staff are trained and supervised by Jay Shields, MA-Education, Specialization in Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavior Therapist with over 15 years experience teaching gymnastics and physical skills to special needs children.

Group Sessions

We offer 55 minute group sessions with 3-8 children led by up to two experienced Behavior In Motion staff members trained in Applied Behavior principles and techniques. Our group classes follow a unique workout plan created  by Jay Shields, MA-Education, Specialization in Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavior Therapist with over 15 years experience teaching gymnastics and physical skills to special needs children, tailored to each group based on their skills and needs. Group sessions focus on initiating and maintaining appropriate social interactions, leading and following group activities, following directions, and taking and waiting for turns.

Musical Instruction

Behavior In Motion also offers individual musical instruction and other musical exploratory activities led by an experienced Behavior therapist and Music teacher.  We offer sessions learning and exploring piano, drum set, percussion, ukulele, and singing.

Order an appointment here

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